
First Justice League trailer is breathtaking

DailyTripJuly 24, 2016 | 18:30 IST

After the sad clown cars that were the Zack Snyder Superman (RIP) movies, we weren't really expecting much from his upcoming take on the Justice League.

News of the magnetic Jason Mamoa of Khal Drogo fame and the exuberant Ezra Miller being cast as Aquaman and The Flash came in.

Some of us got cautiously optimistic. But really, how can Snyder (a notably bad filmmaker) make a decent movie with five characters when he couldn't with two?

Also read: We deserved a better Batman v Superman film

But hope springs eternal, and everything changed when the first Justice League trailer appeared at Comic Con on July 23.


Damn! Affleck is fairly charismatic, Ezra is fun, Gal Gadot is better than she was in Dawn of Justice, Cyborg looks badass and Jason Mamoa aka Aquaman aka "King of the World" is living on a plane beyond the realm of badassness.


Do Warner Brothers finally have a winner in their hands?

The trailer is absolutely stunning with a surprisingly fun tone. Mamoa and Miller are inherently snarky actors and that balances the banality of Wonder Woman and Cyborg really well.

 The Flash in Justice League.
 Wonder Woman in Justice League.

Affleck is more Affleck, which is good for everyone. Also, please let's hope there's no Superman near this film.

Also read: We need Batman more than Superman today

Should we finally trust the Warner Brothers and dive heart first into this?

Decisions, decisions.

Cyborg in Justice League.
Last updated: July 24, 2016 | 18:30
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