
Readers tell us whether India should ban Pakistani artists

DailyBiteSeptember 23, 2016 | 19:12 IST

India and Pakistan are witnessing one of the frostiest dips in the relationship graph in the aftermath of the Uri attack on September 18. Talks of all-out war, other diplomatic options and even touching the hitherto sacrosanct Indus Waters Treaty have set ablaze the TV studios as well as the national conversation in the two rival neighbours.

The latest brunt of the fallout has been borne, unfortunately enough, by the slew of talented Pakistani artists who have found an immensely appreciative audience among the Indians. Actors such as Fawad Khan, Mahira Khan, singers like Atif Aslam, whose popularity rivals the biggest and the brightest of homegrown Bollywood stars, are now being hooted and booed on social media for being, well, Pakistanis.

It's a crying shame that artists who know no borders and go where their work and passion take them to are being targeted this way. Is it fair to pin the diplomatic showdown between the two quarrelsome neighbours on their most beautiful and lovable representatives across the border?

It is a travesty to even think that an India-Pakistan escalation of turmoil would adversely affect the movies and albums of these wonderful and creative people, who have only spread the love by their artistry.


DailyO readers weigh in:

Anita Dabral: No way! How will a ban help? Keep sports, art out of politics. In fact it's very childish and petty. Both sides of our border are filled with politicians who just don't want peace in our country. It doesn't suit their purpose. Instead of eradicating poverty, unemployment and other serious issues, they are only creating tension and diverting people's mind. Fawad Khan's ban will resolve the issue? A joke indeed.

Agomonee B Chetia: No way! They can always find some other -ollywood but where can we get another Fawad!

Satya Upadhyay: India should not give visa to them at first till Pakistan distances from attacking Indian soil.

Ashok Shripad Luktuke: They need to go back. Why do we need them when they are not special? Why do our film directors show special affinity for artists from across the border. Do we not have talent in India?

HimansHu RaNe: They earn from India and pay tax in Pakistan certainly money earned from us is used against us.

Christopher Allison: Both India and Pakistan should eradicate its right wing. Warna ye gadhe sidhe nuclear war shru karenge.

Krutika Chandrashekhar: What do the Pakistani celebrities and cricketers got to do with anything?

Anol Nath Chatterji: Nonsense, most of these cats want to stay on and maybe become Indians. Remember Adnan Sami?

Rajagopalan AV: I hope the cricketers and artists on their own leave India, and desist from coming to India. as we cannot have two standards one for the country and another for its people.

[You can read the full thread on our Facebook page.]

Watch video - From Kargil to Uri: Turbulent India-Pakistan relations explained in visuals:

Last updated: September 24, 2016 | 18:39
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