
Astrologer reveals what planets have in store for India in 2017-2018 (and how to avoid war)

Pandit Ajai BhambiAugust 12, 2017 | 13:35 IST

In 40 years of practice of astrology, I must have written numerous times on the national horoscope of India. Every time it not only gives me pleasure but a lot of tingling excitement that I am writing about my beloved country.

Nations are not built in a day, on the contrary it has taken 5,000 years of Bharatvarsh (ancient name of the country) to become Bharat or India. Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers come and go but the Nation lives forever.

Every President or Prime Minister wants to make a dream country for its citizens. But does every ruler succeed is a matter of concern and debate for the masses.

Those involved in futuristic analysis, like economists, socialists, scientists or astrologers, always want to assess things in advance. We at Nakshatra Niketa continue the same tradition which we are following for a long time.

At the time of India's birth, Taurus lagna was rising on the eastern horizon and planetary configuration was as such: Rahu – Taurus, Mars – Gemini, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn – Cancer, Jupiter – Libra and Ketu in Scorpio.

Brief interpretation of the chart

At the time of the birth of the Nation, Taurus lagna was rising on the eastern horizon and Rahu is placed in it, obviously Ketu has occupied the seventh house. All the seven planets of this chart are on the left side of the Rahu-Ketu axis.

The so-called “kaalsarp dosha” is severely present in the chart. Despite this, some remarkable permutation and combination has also taken place in the chart. Two planets, Mars and Jupiter, are not very friendly with Taurus lagna but their placement is beautiful.

Mars has occupied the second house and Jupiter is placed in the sixth house and is splendid. There is a first-rate fifth-ninth connection between these two planets. If we calculate degree-wise then roughly it would be 120-240. 

The sages were of the opinion if there is a beautiful connectivity between two naturally friendly planets then they give wonderful results despite a thousand odds against them.

Hence, the fifth-ninth combination between Mars and Jupiter has given tremendous strength and energy to the Nation right from its inception. In this sort of connectivity, especially between Mars and Jupiter, they both create a unified field of activities where everybody (read here citizen) puts tremendous efforts which are invariably beyond their capacity.

Mars gives courage, force, confidence, strength, desire, passion, aggression, ambition, command, energy and dynamism. Jupiter puts his stamp on whatsoever Mars comes with. Jupiter is not just a guru or guide in the hour of need but it provides tremendous wisdom when Mars puts its step forward and starts marching ahead.

No wonder a Nation that could not make a needle when it got freedom is now mesmerising the world by sending more than 100 satellites into space, that also the first in the world.

We at Nakshatra Niketa have done a lot of research on inherent friendly planets and if they are nicely connected in the chart then the pattern of results is always beyond expectations and very satisfying to a great extent.

Five planets – Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Moon - are placed in the third house. Whenever four or more than four planets are together in a sign then they give rise to a high class rajayoga called “Pravajra”.

There are many ways that one can interpret this wonderful rajayoga but we would like to analyse it very simply. Generally, when different kinds of planets come together and form a “rajayoga”, then that rajayoga gives mixed results.

There is bound to be struggle in the beginning and that struggle lasts very long. In this case, let us examine the Sun and Saturn together in the Cancer sign. The Sun may be comfortable to an extent in this sign but Saturn being a cruel planet is not happy in his lesser enemy sign of Moon and absolutely defiant with the Sun.

But sages had defined clearly that when more than two planets are involved in a rajayoga then they shed their inherent inimical qualities and start giving good results. Due to the presence of this great rajayoga in the third house, it has given great results so far.

India has come up on its own without the help of anybody. Our neighbour Pakistan got independence along with us and is always looking towards other countries for its survival, whereas we have been self-reliant right from the beginning.

India did face a lot of problems in health, education, social, economics and other sectors. But as a Nation we managed fantastically. This is the beauty of “Pravajra rajayoga” in the third house.

I said in the beginning of this article that the so-called “kaalsarp dosha” is also present in the chart. When I started practising astrology about 40 years ago, I had hardly heard of this as a bad combination that it has become now.

It is very difficult to find any chart without the presence of this horrible dosha. I was told that more than hundred “kaalsarp doshas” have been created over the years. To my knowledge there is only one more astrologer, Professor KN Rao, who like me does not believe in this yoga. 

As a matter of fact, I did not find any reference of the dosha in all ancient works of astrology which I happened to read critically at one point of time. However, if this sort of Rahu-Ketu axis is involved in the first and seventh house then one thing can be said very safely.

If all planets are on the left side of the Rahu-Ketu axis from the lagna then the native (read here Nation) needs to work very hard in the beginning to reap the fruits of good karma till the end of life. Since Nations don't die, it means efforts put in the beginning will keep on giving lasting results.

In the Nation's chart, ten years’ Moon mahadasa is in operation from September 2015 to September 2025. The Moon has occupied the third house and is involved in “Pravajra rajayoga”. The Moon represents the mind and the mind always remains young. That is the basic reason that new innovative ideas can always pop up from anybody, whether young or old.

Luckily, India is a young country in the world with more than 70 per cent of its population comprising young and active minds. Our PM Narendra Modi is trying to remind us and the world that we are the young Nation which has the capacity to give a new direction to the world.

Period from now till 10/08/2018

Moon-Rahu will operate during this period. The Moon has occupied the third house as we know and Rahu is placed in the lagna. Both planets are aligned quite well in the chart. The Moon rules over our mind and Rahu deals with illusion. There is hardly a thread like difference between illusion and intuition but both make the mind extremely active and sometime hallucinating also, from their different perspective.

Rahu has a special capacity to activate the mind with a different imaginative set up where everything looks rosy and achievable without putting much efforts. Rahu is also known to create a mirage when involved with the Moon, so the illusionary world can go on and on as somebody hoping for water in a deep desert. The other quality of Rahu is that it never gets tired of its illusionary imagination.

I was told that imagination is very important to achieve worldly or spiritual aspirations. The god of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, in his playing days used to visit the ground alone either in the night or early morning when nobody was around.

Legend has it that he would sit near the pitch and start imagining that he has to play here after sometime on this ground and how is he going to achieve his target without any destruction. More often than not, he succeeded in his mission and that is why the world knows him as a legend of world cricket.

Dhirubhai Ambani used to consult me quite often and once, after analysing the horoscopes of him and his family, I was curious to know something about his mind. It was my practice to know what was happening in the mind of great people when they were struggling and had almost no hope.

He told me of the time he was working in Yemen as a pump man at a petrol service station. I could not follow him and asked, what do you mean by pump man? He said he was working in a petrol station and used to fill petrol (gas) in vehicles. While filling petrol he used to think that one day he will have a refinery and be the richest man of the country at least.

In this process, many times he would overfill the petrol and get a scolding from his owner and reimburse the loss from his salary. I was taken aback after hearing him and I asked him why he didn’t think of having two-three petrol pumps in town, because generally when you are working at such a low level your imagination does not cross certain limitations and gets stuck at having one petrol pump or something a little better.

But this man used to think of owning a refinery and that is what happened one day and the rest is history.

Moon and money

In the human body, blood which contains maximum plasma is controlled by Mars and the flow of blood in the arteries and veins of the body is controlled by the movement of the Moon. The same way money is generated by Jupiter and flow of money in society is solely dependent on the Moon.

As a matter of fact, there is an inherent connection between the flow of money in society and the Moon. The Moon's mahadasa of ten years started in September 2015. The placement of Moon in the third house of the Nation's chart is not entirely good and indicates a paradigm shift in thinking, philosophy and culture of the country.

During the antara (sub-period) of Moon-Mars in the Nation's chart around November 8, 2016, demonetisation had been announced as a jolt to one and all and everybody felt the heat of this decision at that time.

The Modi government put certain restrictions on the flow of money. The monetary structure or flow of money will never be the same at least for the next 10 years when the Moon mahadasa will remain in operation.

Rahu and GST

Right now, in the Nation's chart Moon-Rahu are in operation from February 8, 2017, to August 10, 2018. The Modi government launched the GST at the stroke of midnight on June 30, 2017.

The GST has been put on a par with when India won freedom at the stroke of midnight on August 14, 1947. When the world is asleep, India will wake to life and freedom, a new era. This was the crux of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's historical midnight speech on Independence Day.

While going through GST literature I stumbled on a deep connectivity between Rahu and GST. As we know in astrology, Rahu gives illusions which are inter-mingled with themselves in such a way that confusion keeps on mystifying further and further.

Let us try to understand GST by an example. Assuming you earned Rs 1 lakh and very rightly they are lying in your bank. You are happy, so is the government. Out of this amount, Rs 30,000 will be taken via income tax at the rate of 30 per cent interest.

The bank has to perform its rightful duty, so it will add Rs 6,000 in your account as interest on the capital. If you don't spend anything, then 18 per cent will be taken by GST as per the new rule. However, if you should decide to spend on groceries, food, clothing or any other necessary articles then you have to pay 28 per cent.

The government is very happy with you because you are a good citizen and doing your duty. Assuming you call a carpenter, plumber or go and buy vegetables, fruits, sweets and other articles then again you have to pay from 18 to 28 per cent.

But the people from whom you acquire these services are not liable to pay to the government because they don't keep any record. But your record is known since your money goes in and comes through the bank.

I was thinking that Rahu is also like this. When you are in the realm of Rahu, then you keep on going round and round without reaching anywhere and in the process you are exhausted and may collapse one day. This is known as Rahu’s web which is full of illusions.  

If the Moon and Rahu are affecting us as citizens, then one wonders that they must also be confusing our rulers who come out with strange policies. It is difficult to blame anybody because when the Moon and Rahu are in operation, then everybody seems right and has a good reason to prove his point and win the game in his  favour.

But those who know Rahu - and here I am referring to sages - have said in a different way that when Moon–Rahu are in operation, then a man or ruler may be winning a point for a moment but actually it is Rahu which is a game-changer. And wherever Rahu is like a chameleon which changes its colour, at the end of the day it leaves everything colourless and disillusioned.

The middle class of India has been the backbone of our economy for the last 30 years. It earns well, therefore participates in all kinds of social and economic upliftment activities at different levels.

Over the decades this changing mindset of middle class Indians has made fast progress and its contribution to the Indian economy is tremendous. The upper class always had abundance of resources and never thought twice before spending lavishly.

The lower economic class has been helped tremendously over the years by the upcoming middle class because they both needed each other. With demonetization, the loose money which countrymen used to keep for different occasions and crisis is no longer cushioning them.

On top of it GST has cut the size of their pockets. When demonetisation was announced by the government, many thought huge black money will be unearthed from rich people. But now it seems that all middle class people were having black money in their houses which has seen the light of day and the sight of the “big black money” is nowhere.

If this trend continues then India will not have a middle class and it will become America. It may not be a surprise for many to know that in America only two classes exist - 10 per cent higher or corporate and 90 per cent working class. Sometimes I wonder how astrology plays its game silently and we come to know when we face a drastic situation in life.

It is noted that the Moon has occupied the third house and its mahadasa of 10 years is in operation. The third house represents neighbours. Right from its inception, India’s neighbours have been creating problems. Soon after independence in 1947, India was forced to enter into a war with Pakistan over the Kashmir issue and the same pattern is continuing even now.

In Moon's mahadasa, Pakistan has accelerated its terrorist activities at the border and terrorists have caused damage in other areas also. Of late, China is creating problems and Dolkam has become a bone of contention between the two countries. The India-China border has become quite sensitive in last few months and real peace does not seem to be in sight in the future.

We at Nakshatra Niketa believe that a war may be forced upon us in Moon's mahadasa. To avoid this, the government needs to do some serious thinking. Our borders are not as porous as they used to be at one point of time and military strength is also very combative - but war does not serve any purpose in the long run.

The Moon-Rahu still has one year to go. Modi has given a new vision to the Nation. He appreciates that India is a young country and needs to be treated on a par with developed countries. He has big dreams to digitalise the entire country as soon as possible.

The economic structure has been changed. If he introduces a few more schemes to curb black money or benami property or other things, then it should not surprise anybody - bullet trains, Clean Ganga, Swachh Bharat, electrification of entire country, start-ups, Make in India, education for all, drinking water for all, perfect law and order, corruption-free country, uplift of farmers and jobs for skilled labour and many more. 

When Rahu occupies lagna then the native (read here Nation) believes whatever is told by its leaders. Our experience says that when Moon-Rahu are in operation then people are more disillusioned by the hopes which were given to the young generation at one point of time. We hope Rahu does not show its chameleon character here.

Also read: Why India needs a new independence movement

Last updated: August 12, 2017 | 13:45
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