
[Explained] Why we fall in love

DailyBiteJune 11, 2015 | 13:06 IST

Also read: The night it becomes about making love and not sex

How does it start? What does that moment of decision feel like, when you wipe out the lines you drew in the sand and cross over to the other side? The first time you give yourself to someone, even when you know your heart belongs to another?

This is how.

He's not your type, you know that right away. You're the kind that goes for the good bad boys. Men who fill up your senses and cloud your judgment. Who make you go a bit crazy. Who make you forget your words and stumble over your thoughts. You really want to be the kind of girl who wants to fall in love slowly and cautiously. But you're just not built that way. You have to crash into love. Your worlds must collide. If it's not worth writing about, it can't be worth living, that stupid voice in your head keeps insisting. Your mom's always so disappointed with your inability to stick with the simple nice guys, but you can't seem to help it. Anyway... This one isn't anything like that. Read more.

Last updated: February 14, 2016 | 17:10
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