
Astrologer who predicted Trump winning says he is about to shock the world

Praveen MishraNovember 13, 2016 | 21:28 IST

Donald J Trump

Date of birth - 14-06-1946; time - 10.54AM; place - Jamaica

Lucky number-5; destiny number-4; name number-4; United States of America-5

Donald Trump is going to take the oath as President of the United States of America on January 20, 2017. According to numerology - using which I predicted he would win the US election - that totals to the number 4 (20+1+2017=4), the destiny number of Trump. The total of his name number is also 4.

So we can see the destiny number, name number and oathtaking date match. It is not a small thing, according to numerology. There is a deep relationship between the destiny number, name number and oathtaking date. According to numerology, some numbers play an important role in our life. If we recognise the number and use it in the right way, our life will change, dreams may get fulfilled. You can feel the importance of the number 4 in the life of Trump.

Double effect of Rahu is seen in Trump's life as his destiny number and name number are the same - 4 - connected with Rahu, it will help him in fast decision-making.

Trump's lucky number is 5 and, according to numerology, if we add the number of the country name, United States of America, its total is also 5.

See how his luck number is connected with the country number of United States of America? The planet Mercury is the lord of number 5. Mercury gives a good brain and childish nature. So this will affect his activity.

Mercury, the lord of Donald Trump's lucky number 5, gives a good brain and childish nature. (Photo: AP)

Combination of number 4 and number 5 will show result in the coming days as these two planets affect his life deeply. Some events may surprise American citizens and the world. His working style may be different from traditional politicians.

According to astrology, the ascendant sign of Trump is Leo and ascendant lord the Sun is posted in the 10th house, which is Karma's place and its lord is the planet Venus. So the Sun is sitting in Venus's house.

Rahu is also sitting with the Sun in the 10th house. The Sun is in Mrigashira Nakshatra and Rahu is also in Mrigashira Nakshatra. So in Karma's place, the role of these planets, Sun, Rahu and Venus, is important.

These three will affect Trump's working style and he may take unusual decisions, but as Jupiter is seeing the 10th house he will try to work for the welfare of US citizens. As his 10th lord is Venus and is posted in the 12th house, he may always like to be in the limelight. According to astrological analysis, whatever he wants to do he will do in his own style, and his working style and decisions may surprise US citizens and shock the world.

Also read: Indian astrologer explains why Trump will be next US president

Last updated: November 13, 2016 | 21:28
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