
BJP UP leader calling Mayawati worse than a prostitute is worse than pathetic

DailyBiteJuly 20, 2016 | 13:21 IST

With the key Uttar Pradesh elections just around the corner, the BJP took things to another level today in bad-mouthing political opponents.

Their vice president in UP, Daya Shankar Singh called former state chief minister and BSP supremo Mayawati "worse than a prostitute" on camera.

The BJP has been overflowing with overconfidence ever since their large mandate in the 2014 elections. This overconfidence has manifested itself with their "fringe elements" (many of whom are actually members of Parliament) mouthing off ridiculous statements in public.

This time the BJP is caught in a three-cornered fight in UP (with BSP and Samajwadi Party). The important election could easily serve as a referrendum for 2019. After the recent drubbing in Bihar, it would be a test for the political strategy of the Modi-Shah axis.

BJP has many loose canons in its fold it needs to get rid off.

Last year, Gorakhpur MP Yogi Adityanath compared Shah Rukh Khan to known terrorist Hafiz Saeed and said the star was welcome to go to Pakistan during the intolernace debate. 

In June 2016, Sadhvi Prachi, another BJP firebrand MP, asked for a "Muslim free India", and said, "I am taking steps towards it."

The saffron party needs to control its senior leaders who are obviously not fit for office. It also reflects poorly of PM Narendra Modi who has failed to rein in these loose canons.

BJP firebrand and Sadhvi Prachi.

The BJP UP vice president who called Mayawati worse than a prostitute is worse than pathetic. It takes some cheek to make a casteist as well as a sexist comment in one sentence.

Last updated: July 20, 2016 | 13:35
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