
I played the new Pokemon Sleep game and it came with a creepy invasive twist

Sweta GuptaAugust 4, 2023 | 08:00 IST

Pokémon Sleep, the sleep-focused game, promises to turn your dreams into a key to unlock your Pokémon prowess. Pokémon Sleep is a sleep-tracking app that rewards the user with Pokémon depending on the quality of their sleep.

Pokémon Sleep, the slumber-focused game unveiled in 2019, is finally here. 

So, how do you play this game? Easy! Just go to sleep with the game running on your screen.

But beware, because there's an eerie twist that's waking up some privacy concerns.

How does it work?

Pokémon Sleep, the sleep-focused game, promises to make your sleep impact the game play and the growth of your Pokémon. 

The game requires audio recording during your slumber. There are some privacy concerns here as the developer releases a new video explaining how Pokémon Sleep will actually work after a series of tantalising trailers earlier this year. 

As the game kicks off, you'll meet the quirky "Professor Neroli", who's all about researching your snooze habits.

  • Players will be transported to an island featuring a giant sleeping 'Snorlax'.
  • However the game gets creepy and invasive with its features saying they "record while they're sleeping".
  • Set your target bedtime and then receive a push notification 30 minutes prior to your bedtime. 
  • This app gradually gets invasive as it asks permission to record voice in order to track and measure sleeping noises. 
  • It wants you to bring your phone to bed and record audio while you sleep, to analyse your sleep patterns.

How can one sleep peacefully knowing that there is a microphone on, to record you while you are asleep? 

Creative or scary?

It asks you to simply leave your device on and turned face down while plugged in into the charger overnight. 

Upon waking up in the morning, players will be provided with details about their sleep patterns, including the duration, sleep type, and any nighttime noises. As a reward, they'll receive Pokémons based on this sleep data, which will be added to their collection.

Players will receive a new Snorlax buddy every week to raise and nurture throughout the day with yummy berries.

  • But here's the sleep secret sauce: the quality of your own slumber will determine how powerful your Pokémon becomes.
  • Your sleep score, measured in Drowsy Power, will affect the growth of your Snorlax and determine the Pokémon you encounter.
  • With three sleep styles - Dozing, Snoozing, and Slumbering - you'll be on the lookout for a Pokémon that matches your latest sleep escapades. 

More sleep, more Pokemons

Catch Pokemon while you snooze, and watch your sleep score soar as you become the ultimate sleep-catching champion. The more Zzz's you get, the more Pokemons you'll find in your dreams... or should I say more Pokemons sleeping around you. (creep moment alert!)

After a refreshing slumber, wake up to the exciting results on the app. Discover the types of sleep you experienced throughout the night, and even listen to hilarious recordings to see if you snored like a Snorlax cause kid you not, it can record for real including your farts. 

Too much?

As any Pokémon fan knows, Snorlax loves its beauty sleep, and it plays a key role in the game. By feeding Snorlax with care, you can boost its strength, leading to even more successful Pokémon catches.

Sleeping for a minimum 8.5 hours will earn you Drowsy Points. 

The more you sleep, the higher Snorlax's Drowsy Power gets, attracting more Pokémons each time you wake up.

Sleep graph

Yes, this game gives you a full data of how much time you took to fall asleep, time spent snoozing, and of course, the noises while you are asleep.

Inside the app, your sleep is evaluated using two criteria:

  • the duration of your sleep, and
  • how consistent your sleep patterns are.

As if the game already doesn't sound sus, they have a wearable tailor-made device Pokémon Go Plus+ for an enhanced sleep tracker for Pokémon Go.

If you want to try what sleeping while someone's recording you looks like, this game's for you. All the best.

Last updated: August 04, 2023 | 08:00
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