
John McCain, America's grand old soldier-senator

DailyBiteAugust 26, 2018 | 13:14 IST


John McCain bravely fought for his country in the Vietnam war (November 1, 1955 – April 30, 1975). Unlike other famous political names, he didn't dodge the draft. He battled in Vietnam, withstood severe torture and won honours for his service to America. (Photo: Twitter)


In 2000, John McCain contested for the President candidature against George Bush Jr who rode high on his family's political capital. McCain lost the candidature. The world lost a chance to be saved from the Bush years. (Photo: AP)

In 2008, McCain stood against Barack Obama for US President. Obama swept the polls in a historic election. But McCain stood out for the grace and courtesy he maintained in the crucial election. (Reuters)

At a time Republicans were trying to smear the Obama presidency with claims of Obama not being American or being Muslim, John McCain maintained the best values of American life — decency, liberalism and a commitment to fairness and the truth. He defended Obama consistently and fought against the vitiation of the public sphere.

Senator John McCain had a distinguished career (January 3, 1987 – August 25, 2018) in the US Senate, representing the state of Arizona — and the USA. He frequently sided with Barack Obama on key legislation and ensured a spirit of bipartisanship in the House, even through America's most divided political era. (Reuters)

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Last updated: August 28, 2018 | 18:32
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