
Why does India pay Rs 60 crore for MPs' meals?

DailyBiteJune 24, 2015 | 13:00 IST

That our parliamentarians enjoy many privileges a common man can't even dream of isn't new. But an RTI application has revealed that even in today's times of high cost of vegetables and pulses, our Parliamentarians continue to enjoy food at rock-bottom prices in the Parliament's canteen.

A crispy masala dosa for Rs 6 and a plate of mutton curry that costs a mere Rs 20, there is a long list of dishes comprising over 70 items available for the country's lawmakers who earn more than Rs 1.4 lakh per month besides perks.

An RTI query filed by activist Subhash Chandra Agrawal has revealed that the canteen of the country's power corridor is a haven for food lovers and it doesn't even pinch their deep pockets. Imagine a plate of boiled rice for Rs 4 or for that matter a plate of fish fried with chips at Rs 25, mutton cutlet at Rs 18 and boiled vegetables at Rs 5.

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Last updated: June 24, 2015 | 13:00
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