
Why I cried: Killing in the name of faith must end

Rajdeep SardesaiOctober 2, 2015 | 09:43 IST

My children often tell me, "Papa, you cry too easily". They are right! I do! Yesterday, when I was anchoring a show on the Dadri murder, my eyes welled up. Young Sartaj, whose father Akhlaq was killed, and who works with the Indian Air Force in Chennai was on my programme. He spoke with quiet dignity and made the telling point: "My father has been killed and the UP Police wants to find out if beef was kept in the fridge rather than keep the crime scene intact and track down the culprits". His quiet dignity contrasted with the politicians on my show who kept shouting at each other or engaging in competitive rhetoric.

I cried because I am a father, I am a son too. I felt angry and helpless. And yes, I would have felt the same way if Sanjay not Sartaj had lost his father. No one must be killed in the name of religion: This Gandhi Jayanti let us make that vow to speak up when someone is killed in the name of faith.

Here is the show. Do watch and share.

Also read: Hindu lynch mob kills Muslim over beef: This is a sad day for India

Last updated: October 03, 2015 | 13:12
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