
India can use Nawaz Sharif to wrangle army and put Pakistan in place

Shantanu MukharjiOctober 7, 2016 | 15:04 IST

As Pakistan stands isolated on the global stage, a massive confrontation is intensifying between the civilian government and the military leadership. In the aftermath of surgical strikes by India, Pakistan continues to be threatened by internal strife and a state of uncertainty. This is likely to assume further dangerous proportions in the not-so-distant future.

Political and military turbulence notwithstanding, there are credible reports of excesses being perpetrated on the minority Shia community who have generally been targeted by violent Sunni backed terror outfits coinciding with the commencement of Muharram.

As recent as on October 4, two incidents of Shia killings have been reported. Six persons including four Shia women were gunned down in Quetta (Balochistan) and at the Wah Cantonment (Punjab). Significantly, these areas are under the tight control of the army who are believed to be keeping a close eye on Balochistan and at a time when Pakistan is on red alert following a perceived threat of being attacked by India amid looming war clouds.

The law and order machinery is adrift with increasing fissures surfacing between Islamabad and General Raheel Sharif. Photo credit: Reuters

Importantly, those killed are Hazara Shias who have been selectively targeted. During the past decade, 500 Hazara Shias have been exterminated. The perpetrators are Lahkar e Jhangvi ( LeJ) international which openly collect funds for their cause and maintain close links with the military stationed in Balochistan. Killings happening in the close proximity of the army installations indicate that the offenders have patronage from the men in green and the government has no muscle to assert and stop these murders.

The law and order machinery seems to be going adrift with increasing fissures surfacing between the elected government and General Raheel Sharif who is trying desperately to remain afloat in his race to continue beyond November when he is due to superannuate. This unholy race has further escalated his fight with Nawaz Sharif who is, despite indifferent health, making an effort to rein in and wean the army from its existing mode of military jingoism and war mongering.

Nawaz's political party seems to be rallying behind him as evident from his brother's most recent bold stand calling the army to control terrorists and terrorism. His open challenge to the ISI chief to stop terrorism speaks volumes.

The ISI chief enjoys massive clout and seldom does any one from the elected regime issued a diktat to the omnipotent intelligence entity. It's an obvious flexing of muscles against the army by the civilian establishment. This also demonstrates that the polity no longer wants to be an outcaste internationally, hence they have started asserting themselves to show who is boss. This may prove costly but this is the right time for the Pakistani civilian establishment to take on the armed forces as they will have international and India's support.

There are reports already that the Pakistani government has indicated they want to revisit the 26/11 trial and Pathankot investigations - a positive and welcome indication for India. This will further gain them goodwill in the subcontinent and the necessary moral support needed to taken on the Pakistani army. In fact it's the only silver lining in the dark clouds in the region.

Should the government succeed in gaining de-facto control over the military fond of misadventures, then the targeted killings of Shias, Ahmediyas and excesses on Hindus and Christians are very likely to come down and terrorists would be forced to flee. Once the society is safer, it will be a matter of strength for the legitimate government.

India is capable of lending all kind of support to Pakistan's civilian regime to accomplish this task and, Inshallah, this may happen as the country is threatened by multiple internal problems. India should also not lose this opportunity helping the Nawaz regime appropriating the situation to its advantage, in the larger interest of peace. If India's diplomatic offensive has paid dividends in isolating Pakistan, this job, though onerous, is attainable.

Last updated: October 07, 2016 | 15:04
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