Acquittal meant aiadmk cadre gave media sweets. The same cadre had beaten up the media on sep 27. #jayaverdict— T S Sudhir (@Iamtssudhir) May 11, 2015Jayalalitha and Salman Khan walk into a bar. The bartender says: Looks like I am the one behind the bar.— Madhavan Narayanan (@madversity) May 11, 2015Jayalalitha's lawyer in AIADMK HQ right now-— Gappistan Radio (@GappistanRadio) May 11, 2015Hysterical devotion of AIDMK cadre to Jayalalitha & before that to MGR no better than that of religious extremists to their chosen God— Madhu Kishwar (@madhukishwar) May 11, 2015There are a lot of people who were opposing Jayalalitha who are now...not. #JayaVerdict— Karuna Nundy (@karunanundy) May 11, 2015Salman Khan, Jayalalitha, Sanjay Dutt, Lalu Yadav etc.. and the list goes on. Why are they even subjected to token trials?— Amit Malviya (@malviyamit) May 11, 2015So Jayalalitha's wealth, her jewels, her saris, her homes are all the fruits of years of blood and sweat. Not corruption.— Tavleen Singh (@tavleen_singh) May 11, 2015If I don't see a comedian doing a wink,nudge joke abt Jayalalitha's "disproportionate assets"in the next 1 week at work,I might have to quit— Aditi Mittal (@awryaditi) May 11, 2015????— Shiv Aroor (@ShivAroor) May 11, 2015So, effectively, the High Court in Bengaluru has fired Mr Panneerselvam as the nominal chief minister of Tamil Nadu #Jayalalithaa— Shekhar Gupta (@ShekharGupta) May 11, 2015Possibly what the honourable court means is that Jaya's assets are not disproportionate to her "capacity & capacity" of earning #AmmaReturns— prerna kaul mishra (@prernakaul) May 11, 2015Mother's Day in TN is here. #AmmaReturns— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) May 11, 2015Jaya acquitted; guess the Rs 66.65 crore assets didn't need an explanation or a tax return! #JayaVerdict— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) May 11, 2015#JayaVerdict Jayalalithaa will return as CM. So, O. Panneerselvam is free to stand in for Salman Khan in his movies.— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) May 11, 2015An AIADMK activist : "at 12 noon, our leader will become CM again." #jayaverdict #optimism— T S Sudhir (@Iamtssudhir) May 11, 2015Jaya verdict and salman khan bail. Do we need any more proof. Hail the rich and powerful— Rana Ayyub (@RanaAyyub) May 11, 2015Makes sense that Jayalalitha picked O. Panneerselvam to take care of the operations in her absence. He is an OPS guy after all. #JayaVerdict— Mahesh Shankar (@MaheshShankarS) May 11, 2015Fuuuuullllllllll Maaaarrrrkkkkksssss Tooooo Oooouuuuurrr Judddddiiicccaiillll Ssssyyyttttemmss..Meraaa Bharat Mahaann. Jaaay..Hiiiiind...— Kiran Bedi (@thekiranbedi) May 11, 2015Moral of #JayaVerdict #SalmanVerdict: Justice in India is a bubble, to be relished in the moment, before it pops and vanishes into thin air.— Lakshmi Chaudhry (@ElChaudhry) May 11, 2015Disappointed with #JayaVerdict . God save this country.— OfficeOf TinuCherian (@tinucherian) May 11, 2015It’s like jail breaks have been legalised in India. #JayaVerdict— Damsel in This Dress (@secondofhername) May 11, 2015