
Abusing the Prophet: Islamophobia and Indian Muslims' misplaced priorities

M ReyazJanuary 6, 2016 | 13:34 IST

Some miscreant somewhere says something obnoxious against Prophet Muhammad in a desperate attempt to grab eyeballs; and, as if waiting for the cue, some equally desperate Qaum ke Rahnuma (leaders of the community) start organising protest marches (which anyway have poor record of remaining orderly and peaceful); and all self proclaimed Aashiq-e-Rasool (devotees of the Prophet) start following the herd, like sheep.

This has increasingly become a norm, only the names or places change. This dark comedy is once again playing across the country for almost a month now after a disgruntled Hindu Mahasabha leader Kamlesh Tiwari had used derogatory terms for the Prophet. Tiwari's response was to the Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan calling the RSS members "homosexuals".

For the record, Tiwari was arrested by the UP police and a case has been filed against him while most of the political parties, including even the Hindu Mahasabha distanced itself from the statement. This has, however, not placated the self-proclaimed custodians of "sentiments of the community" which they feel have been "grievously injured". On Sunday, a mob turned violent and torched police vehicles forcing the handful of police personnel to escape for their lives in Malda, West Bengal. Similar protests erupted all across the country, from Srinagar to Bengaluru and from Indore to Bjinore.

One such protest was organised in Muzaffarnagar where more than a lakh people had gathered in the same district that witnessed one of the worst communal riots in September 2013. Sadly, not even a few thousand people have since assembled in the district to demand justice. This speaks a lot of a community that cannot stand to safeguard its own interests. If anyone is to be blamed, it is the community leaders, for nothing explains the continuing protest even almost a month later that too when the man has already been arrested.

In fact, according to reports, some of the Hindutva platforms have now offered Tiwari to contest the by-election an in attempt to encash the countrywide media attention he has received in last one month.

Blasphemy and Islamophobia

Islamophobia is now a well established phenomenon and is rampant not only in India but across the world. Often the detractors of Islam/Muslims would say or act in a manner considered sacrilegious by Muslims. We Muslims are generally sensitive towards the Prophet and his immediate family members, particularly the wives. These are all old baits and have been continuing since the Crusades, not just in provoking statements, but producing literature, sculpture, and now cartoons and films - often in the name of "creative freedom".

The Islamophobes present Muslims as backward and regressive community; and we Muslim reiterate every point by acting senselessly and demanding cancellation of screening of films, hounding people from voicing even their opinions and by reacting violently.

Islamophobia is a reality and it needs to be fought. However, it is an intellectual battle that needs to be fought by setting positive examples and not by harassing or demanding death. A primer can be following the example of the Prophet himself who prayed for the well being of an old lady who used to throw garbage on him every day, when she fell sick.  

Misplaced priorities of Indian Muslims

When it comes to Indian Muslims, the priorities of such community leaders, comprising clerics and rabble rousers, are often misplaced. Protests and rallies are organised condemning such "blasphemous" acts or to condemn every other event of the Muslim world as Judeo-Christian conspiracy. While one can argue for the right to dissent and to organise protests in a democracy, but sadly, we don't see similar protests demanding equitable allocations of resources, for empowerment, for job guarantees, for education, for improving the condition of Muslim women. We don't see similar protests against everyday discrimination, for reservation, for establishing schools and universities. Amid this clamour, we Muslims often forget that the first word revealed to the Prophet was Iqra (read).

I wonder sometimes, how Prophet would feel if he sees his followers lynching or demanding death in his name. When he sees his self-proclaimed followers fighting on who is more righteous, devout and more puritan!

Failure of the leadership

Certainly, there are some grounds for several grievances, but Muslims in this country and world have far more challenges to address than organising frivolous protests every other week. The argument of Islam Khatre me Hai (Islam is in danger) and sentiments being "hurt" are trite now.

There is a growing sense of alienation among Muslim youth, compounded by lack of mainstream education and unemployment, explained partly by growing intolerance in a section of the community. In fact, the real culprits are the instigators within the community, the hate mongers and the rabble rousers, who instead of helping the youth come out of the "siege", are further pushing them towards growing sense of betrayal and victimisation. This would only lead to such illogical protests, or worse further extremism. If nothing else, the reports of some youngsters planning or actually joining ISIS should put our community leaders on toes.

The Muslims meanwhile continue to make a mockery of themselves as people often wonder "Albert Pinto ko gussa kyoon aata hai?"

Last updated: January 06, 2016 | 16:49
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