
Japan raises age of consent from 13 to 16, changing a 100-year law. These countries have even lower age of consent

Amrutha PagadJune 19, 2023 | 16:10 IST

Japan has raised the age of consent from 13 to 16 years. It means that below the age of 16, sexual activity is considered statutory rape. Japan has made changes to its criminal code on sexual offences for the first time in nearly a century. 

  • In India, the age of consent is 18 years, and in most other Western countries the age of consent is 16. Comparatively, Japan had one of the lowest ages of consent among developed countries. 

What do the reforms mean?

  • Now, sexual activity under the age of 16 can be criminally offensive. But juvenile couples who are both above 13 years of age and have an age gap of less than or up to five years will not be prosecuted. 
  • Expanding on the definition of rape, "non-consensual sexual intercourse" is also criminal in Japan now. 
  • Furthermore, rape prosecutions can also be made if the victim is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, is frightened or is afraid of the consequences of rejecting unwanted advances in case of social status. 

  • Earlier, Japan's definition of rape was limited to "forcible sexual intercourse" which meant that the victims had to prove they were physically unable to resist the rape. It blamed the victims for not resisting enough.
  • Due to the old law, Japan saw one too many rape-accused acquittals in 2019 drawing widespread protests. 
  • In one case, a father who repeatedly raped his 19-year-old daughter was acquitted as prosecutors couldn't prove that the victim resisted enough or if there was assault or intimidation even though the court recognised that it was non-consensual. However, the case was later overturned.
  • Even though the earlier age of consent in Japan was 13, several regions had their own rules which banned certain "lewd acts with those under the age of 18", effectively raising the actual age of consent to 18. 
  • However, punishment for "lewd acts" was not as stringent enough. 

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The lowest age of consent

  • You will be surprised to hear that Japan doesn't actually have the lowest age of consent in the world. In fact, it is Nigeria that has the lowest age of consent -- at just 11 years. 
  • However, local laws within Nigeria raise the actual age of consent. 
  • After Nigeria, it is the Philippines and Angola that have the lowest age of consent at 12 years. Again, the local laws within the countries raise the bar on the actual age of consent. 
  • In countries like Burkina Faso, Comoros Islands, Niger, and Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, the age of consent is 13 years. 
  • And in some 32 nations including Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Italy, and Germany, the age of consent is 14 years.
  • Bahrain (21) and South Korea (20) have the highest age of consent. 
  • And in countries like Iran, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Maldives, Pakistan, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen, there is no age of consent, but sexual activity between unmarried couples is prohibited.

[ALSO READ: Japan is facing a baby crisis with most people opting to have no kids]

Last updated: June 19, 2023 | 16:10
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