
BTS and Instagram ignite 'genderless' buzz cut hairstyle trend

Dristi SharmaJune 22, 2023 | 08:00 IST

Stella Cini, a self-proclaimed hair "magician" with over 7 lakh followers on Instagram, recently posted a video transitioning from her long hair to a buzz cut. The video garnered both praise and criticism, drawing attention to the buzz cut hairstyle.

Take a look at the video

If you're familiar with K-Pop, you may know that BTS singers J-Hope and Jin recently enlisted in the army, sporting closely cropped hair as part of their mandatory duty. This style, known as 'The Buzz Cut,' has generated significant buzz of its own.

Photo: J Hope in Buzz Cut
Photo: Jin in Buzz Cut

The buzz cut gets its name from the sound of electric clippers used to trim the hair very close to the scalp. The length of the cut can vary, ranging from a few millimeters to a slightly longer length based on personal preference.

Known for its simplicity, ease of maintenance, and versatility, the buzz cut has gained popularity among individuals seeking a practical and low-maintenance haircut. Thanks to Instagram and the influence of BTS, thousands of people have embraced the buzz cut trend.

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'The genderless hairstyle'

  • All over Instagram, people are calling the buzz cut to be a hairstyle that anyone can get, regardless of their gender. However, it signifies different meanings for men and women. 
  • Even though Buzz cut is often associated with the military and men, women have often associated the hairstyle with feminism and redefining gender and beauty norms. 

The buzz cut history: From military to feminism

  • The concept of closely cropped hair can be seen in ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Greece. Egyptians, known for their advanced civilization, embraced shaved heads to combat the scorching heat, as well as to maintain hygiene.
  • Similarly, ancient Greek warriors, including the Spartans, adopted short hairstyles to ensure practicality in combat situations.
  • However, it was the world wars when the buzz cut gained significant traction. In military settings, soldiers' hair was trimmed close to the scalp to prevent lice infestations and maintain cleanliness in cramped and unsanitary conditions.
  • Additionally, the buzz cut served as a practical solution to minimize the risk of hair becoming entangled in equipment or obstructing vision during battle.
  • From Americans to the UK, USA, France, and Russia buzz cut became a common hairstyle that helped differentiate the common mass to army men. 

For women it was different though- throughout history, long hair has been associated with femininity and female beauty, often representing a potent symbol of female sexuality. Shaving one's head, on the other hand, has been linked to religious rituals, persecution, and punishment. However, in recent years, the buzz cut on women has taken on a new meaning. It has become a symbol of female empowerment, feminist activism, and expressions of non-normative sexuality and lesbian culture.

By embracing the shaved head, women are challenging societal norms and reclaiming the narrative around what it means to be a woman. Hollywood actresses, such as Demi Moore and Natalie Portman, shaved their heads to break free from casting stereotypes and play strong characters like GI Jane and V Is for Vendetta.

The public breakdown of Britney Spears in 2007, when she shaved her head, was met with tabloid sensationalism and perpetuation of stereotypes as a cry for help, as a 'why a pretty women get a buzz cut otherwise?'. However, it was also seen as a way for Spears to assert control over her own image.

Similarly, during the start of the #MeToo movement, actress Rose McGowan buzzed her hair in 2017 as a battle cry against Hollywood and Harvey Weinstein, its messaging, propaganda, and stereotypes. 

However we will also have men like Chris Rock, who will comment on your shaved hair, or men like Will Smith, who will be offended if someone called their wife GI Jane. 

Phoro: Rose McGowan/AP

Pandemic and the buzz cut

The pandemic also played a role in the popularity of the buzz cut, with people resorting to self-styling at home due to limited salon access. Sharing their new looks on social media contributed to the viral spread of the trend.

Bottom line

The buzz cut has made a lasting impact on fashion, style, and culture, evolving from its practical military origins to a symbol of rebellion, athleticism, and personal expression. Now, it's trending once again, drawing attention and challenging conventional beauty standards.

Last updated: June 22, 2023 | 08:00
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