Tamil Nadu just can’t seem to catch a break — first the death of the beloved Amma, the Jallikattu uproar, oil spill, and now a power struggle worthy of a “Spy vs Spy” comic. But who is in power and for how long will that continue?
Even as O Panneerselvam and Sasikala fight it out for the chair of the chief minister of India’s most politically charged state (that's saying something, considering that Uttar Pradesh elections are at the doorstep), the world can’t help but take sides and poke fun at the situation.
Photo: Indiatoday.in |
While Tamil Nadu may be bracing for a civil war, the internet continues to add fuel to the fire with hilarious memes. From (comparisons to) Baahubali to Spiderman, here are 15 fantastic memes and videos that will make sure that all Amits understand what Tamil politics really is.
Sometimes you Wonder. No ?? pic.twitter.com/Pi7DzrP5mW
— TheGhostRider31 (@TheGhostRider31) February 7, 2017
Couldn't resist creating this meme. Enjoy."Utivich, this could just be my best work." #ops #sasikala #OPannerselvam pic.twitter.com/69ohCitd7h
— Sudhir Srinivasan (@sudhirsrinivasn) February 7, 2017
ROFL! #OPannerselvam #OPS #OPSvsSasikala #sasikala (from Whatsapp) pic.twitter.com/T6Eo29X6MS
— Dinakaran (@dinakaran) February 8, 2017
That's the thing with paneer. Just when you think you got it down and digested, it comes up again
— Arnab Ray (@greatbong) February 7, 2017
WHO MOVED MY "PANEER" ?(Sasikala Natarajan) pic.twitter.com/G2olIyQ4Es
— umang misra (@umangmisra) February 8, 2017
#OPannerselvam pic1: before pic 2: after clearing conscience3. Probably future with spine pic#ChennaiDrama #sasikala pic.twitter.com/Rh3U5rg02b
— नवजोत सिंह Paneer (@00manthan) February 8, 2017
#OPannerselvam yesterday & today????#opsatmarina #TamilNadu #CMOTamilNadu pic.twitter.com/mWfDlsXI3B
— Cinema Calendar (@CinemaCalendar) February 7, 2017
Chinnamma transformation scene. Best ever #sasikala #TNSaysNo2Sasi ???????? pic.twitter.com/RJd0Gbj55O
— AurNab ComeSwami (@KhaaliYuga) February 5, 2017
Remind me of Advan ji????????????Murder of democracy in Tamilnadu#sasikala#Panneerselvam pic.twitter.com/ZfBXgu5HL5
— shaikh sadam (@sadam_shaikh) February 5, 2017
People should at least now understand how Better I am.#sasikala #TamilNaduCM #RIPTN #TNSaysNo2Sasi pic.twitter.com/dsM8Faq52v
— O. Panneerselvam (@ops_tn) February 5, 2017
ROFL ????????????#TNSaysNo2Sasi #sasikala #SasikalaNatarajan #AdmkFails #SasikalaNotMyCm #MannargudiMafia pic.twitter.com/IoBPWT1p0h
— ட்ரம்ப்™ (@itistamil) February 5, 2017
The emojis have spoken. But can the emojis vote? pic.twitter.com/jMwrUA7lwU
— Siddharth Singh (@siddharth3) February 8, 2017
Checkmate from OPS ????#OPannerselvam vs #sasikala pic.twitter.com/lBjmGA076G
— Troll Cinema ( TC ) (@TC_Offl) February 8, 2017
Q: Who is the CM of #Tamilnadu ?A: Quarterly Exam - #JayalalithaHalf yearly Exam - #Panneerselvam Annual Exam - #Sasikala(Forward msg)
— kavitha Rao (@iamKavithaRao) February 5, 2017