Hillary Clinton
Date of birth: 26-10- 1947; time: 8pm; place: Chicago
Lucky number-8; destiny number-3; name number-8
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According to numerology, the lucky number 8 is connected with planet Saturn, which rewards hard work with success. The destiny number 3 points to planet Jupiter, which makes people fine orators, teachers and leaders. The letters in Hillary Clinton's name total to 8, so the double effect of Saturn may yield delayed results.
According to astrological principles, Hillary Clinton's chart reflects the moon in Mahadash and Saturn in Antar Dasha. The moon is placed in 10th house and the lord of second house. Saturn is the lord of 8th house and the 9th house and Mars is placed in the 2nd house.
The Sun, meanwhile, is placed in the 5th house - which is a house of planning and looking to the 11thhouse. Mercury is in 5th house and facing the 11th house, it is the lagna lord and the 4th house lord finds himself in the friend's house Venus. This shows that she will have to work immensely hard to realise her election dreams.
Donald J Trump
Date of birth- 14-06-1946; time- 10:54M; place- Jamaica
Lucky number-5; destiny number-4; name number-4
According to numerology, the lucky number 5 (Mercury-5) empowers one to lead a large number of people. It can certainly help an individual become a minister. The destiny number 4 is connected with Rahu, which is called the dragon head and instrumental in helping one achieve success in politics in a very short period. The letters of Donald J Trump's name total to 4 so there is the double impact of Rahu, which helps to win election.
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According to astrological principles, Trump's chart reflects Jupiter in Mahadash and Jupiter is the 5th lord and the 8th lord, posted in the 2nd house and aspecting the 10th house, which is the Karma place. The Sun is instrumental in helping achieve stately duties like government jobs and at a higher position in the 10th house - it is the Lagna Lord. Mercury, which is placed in its own house is lord of the 2nd house and the 11th house. All these planetary positions indicate that Donald J Trump may indeed win the US presidential election.