
When Bigg Boss contestants blackened each other’s faces

Ursila Ali
Ursila AliNov 15, 2015 | 12:40

When Bigg Boss contestants blackened each other’s faces

Distribution of household chores has always been a reason for contestants to indulge in petty politics in the Bigg Boss house. Obviously no one likes to do the dirty work, especially Mandana. She absolutely refused Rishabh’s request to clean the bedroom rug, saying that she had done her bit by cleaning the washroom where she claimed to have cleaned faeces from the boys’ toilet. Though disgusting, this is just one of the many tasks housemates have to perform to ensure their survival in the house.


When not cribbing about the jobs in the house, some of the housemates also participate in acts of petty theft. A miffed Kishwar demanded to know who ate from her bar of chocolate, a luxury item in the house. She quizzed all the boys in order to figure out who might have taken a piece from her chocolate bar. It was later on that the viewers found out that a naughty Mandana let her chocolate craving get the best of her.

Holi came early for the contestants. The first task, to determine the next captain of the house, was an innovative take on traditional jousting. Rochelle, Suyyash and Prince, the three candidates for the post of captaincy had to hold a shield and protect themselves from the contestants who were trying to paint them red with elongated paint brushes. The candidate who would be successful in saving himself/herself from the paint would win. Suyyash won and quickly started delegating responsibilities as the new house captain. He may have already made an enemy with his decision-making as Rochelle, one of the biggest rule-breakers in the house, retaliated when Suyyash decided against giving her the mattress she had already been denied for the week.


The second task involved painting the face black. It is no secret that we Indians don’t take kindly to painting our faces black, but the housemates had no qualms about doing this as a fun activity. The housemates were divided into two teams, “Black” and “White”. One out of each team had to get their faces blackened and another had to ensure that their teammates’ faces were washed in record time. Rishabh, who happily obliged to get his face blackened, was in for a rude shock when he was literally slapped with water as Puneet used all his might to wash Rishabh’s face.

A disgruntled Rishabh warned Puneet never to participate with him again. Despite Puneet’s apologies, Rishabh couldn’t get over the almost physical assault that he just faced at his housemate’s hands, and refused to acknowledge him. Puneet, tired of being apologetic, in turn started passing sarcastic comments at Rishabh. While the matter may have died down, it would have been interesting to see the clash of the two self-proclaimed “titans” of the house.


Last updated: November 18, 2015 | 14:55
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