They’re the new stars of today, these godmen all over our television screens, newspapers and social media. They all have an entourage, are religiously followed by a loyal legion of fans and are making headlines dime-a-dozen. Move over the Khans; maas and babas are what’s setting our pulse racing. So what if they aren’t getting paid as much, yet? They do have the all-encompassing bhagwan ka haath on their head, self-proclaimed or otherwise. When was the last time a Bollywood star managed this kind of frenzy? Our loyalties are shifting and rightfully so. After all, jo dikhta hai wo bikta hai, right?
But it’s a tough world out there where man bites man and godman eats godman. In the race for maximum headlines, it takes more than just god on your side to get the janta interested. Hence the need for fashion, the one thing our country doesn’t understand and yet keenly observes. Fashion is self-expression and that’s exactly what these people are out to prove. And they’re going all out, no holds barred.
We’ve all loved dissecting our favorite film stars for what they wear. Then why spare these new-age celebrities? It’s time to draw the red-carpet and start the walk of fame (or shame, you decide).
Radhe Maa
When not posing on couches in controversial clothing, dancing at events and molly-coddling with men, the current toast of town and probably the first lady of godman’s land, Radhe Maa is giving the overtly-done up brides of Delhi a run for their money.
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That she loves her red is rather obvious - there are the red outfit, red bangles, red lipstick and the overflowing red sindoor. But she also loves her jewellery; don’t miss the statement neckpiece, maang-tika, nose ring, rings and bracelets that have all been immaculately matched. When not doing her maa-giri, you’ll find her in short dresses, skirts, suede boots and a beret, all in her favorite colour, paired with her favourite bridal bangles. Now that’s how you mix modern with traditional, get it girls?
What we love: She may not know what it’s called, or better still not know how to pronounce it (remember "pies" for pious?) but the beret is a classy touch.
What we dislike: Too much of red, is it? How about a change of colour, Maa? Golden for brides is quite in vogue this season. Plus, you’ll glitter like a fairy godmother too.
Baba Ramdev
He’s the Salman Khan of godmen - fit as a fiddle and forever ready to take off his clothes. The crowds love him too. And since he’s chosen yog over sambhog, like our Bhai, he’s probably a virgin too. His look is rather subdued though.
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Saffron dhoti and shawl are what he sticks too. But the man went totally uncredited for starting the Lumberjack look- his beard has been thick and around well before regular guys on the road decided to flaunt it as a fashion statement. The real fun begins, though, when he takes off his shawl and does those out-of-this-world stomach contractions that leave his fans spellbound. He rolls up his dhoti to a dangerously high level and while some may worry if things might be too risqué, the man’s busy wowing his followers. Body confidence, beat that?
What we love: The grizzly beard is so on-trend, it’s unbelievable.
What we dislike: How about he switches to more appropriate clothing before getting on the mat? It’ll save much trouble for all the city aunties who swear by him.
Asaram Bapu
Not just his virility but even his sartorial ability is potent enough. Always seen draped in white finery, his kurta and dhoti combination with a long shawl rolled along is simple, tasteful and elegant, unlike everything else he’s got in trouble for.
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His white beard reflects not just his age but his experience and the way he covers his balding scalp with colourful woollen caps when shuttling between courts and jail and dramatic head gears when meetings his followers shows the man knows his accessories quite well.What we love: His outfits, though white, never look dull, wrinkled or worn out, even after all that time behind bars.What we dislike: The white kurta is getting a bit monotonous. How about some fancy floral printed ones?
Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh
There’s much to ponder about this man. Aside from his "talent" in music and film, he’s quite a colourful personality, almost as colourful as his choice of clothing. This "chora babbar sher ka" is daring and certainly not shy about showcasing his eclectic taste.
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Though it isn’t confirmed, he also might be the inspiration behind Ranveer Singh’s outlandish clothes recently. From track pants to glitzy, sequined kurtas with harem pants and sherwanis and sleeveless vests to some waistcoats worn with pink t-shirts, he’s the go-to man if you ever need tips on how to shock, scandalize and simply stun your audience.
What we love: The beard, though nothing original, is perhaps the only thing that’s consistent.
What we dislike: The loud caps and boots, though fun initially, are now bordering on repetitive.
Sant Rampal
What we like about his fashion the most is how regular and simple it is. He may have legions of fans surrounding him but Mr Rampal, not the celluloid dreamboat but the godman, keeps things real and relatable.
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Kurta-pyjamas, cotton shirts, black jackets and sweaters and an expression that stays forever consistent, the message is loud and clear here- you too can dress like him. He’s the common man’s fashion icon and we truly appreciate his sticking onto old-school dressing for his might make this look retro-chic soon.
What we love: His fingers in gyan mudra bring out his inner swag.
What we dislike: The frame of his glasses is a little dated, we think. And we certainly feel he could with a new haircut.