I am appalled at the rush of outrage against the honourable judge. How quick we are to disparage such an evolved gentleman? Give him a moment. Dwell on the deep insight he is offering.
He has sat at the Bench for decades and seen the scum of earth traipse past him. There is a bigger idea behind his laughable thoughts about peacocks. It is all about women and their status as they are seen or perceived or forced to be in.
In fact, they should be lucky to get hold of a peacocky tear of two (what an unfortunate name to have “cock” at the end). In fact, the cock with the pea puts it all in perspective about divinity, celibacy, thought and carnality.
Here is a lesson for all Indian women and they better get it quickly. Sexual satisfaction is a male prerogative, teary-eyed or not.
So you see this is about women’s sexual status and as the Bollywood script will say, “hamari kismet mein sirf aansoo hi likhe hain!” If celibacy is so empowering then why the sadness? It should be joyful. Couldn’t he impregnate the peahen with a laugh? This is all a celestial story then?
I am told that there is documentary proof of it too. I scoured the net and all I found was reams of video of coquettish peahens prancing around the yard till they get grappled by their paramours in full glory and ultimate mating too. Amoré Amoré.
But we are getting up ahead of ourselves. This is not just about physical copulation. It’s the thought that counts. Ugh, I can feel the dear judge wincing away. He cannot bear even the thought so impure. But thought has always played a great role.
We do know our epics and all about the Pandavas and the illegitimate Karn. There too, details of the physical activity are hazy except the promise that the lady would remain “intacta” or something to that effect. And each time she “thought” about prospective celestial bedmates or future fathers of her glorious sons, each imbued with God-like powers, they appeared instantly and would not leave till the deed was done.
Such heavenly union… It somewhat coincides with the age of Charaka and we logical minds could well look at it with the dispassion of artificial insemination, through the sperm of lordly, warrior-like men. But then where would be the fun in it all if that myth did not exist?
I quite like the idea of summoning a pantheon of heroes to my bed just to “fill my womb”… pleasure not being the idea at all. So to raise a set of heroes, in the face of marital impotency, seeking motherhood outside marriage actually prevented the tears of a childless father.
He was the strutting peacock, cried often too and had sons to prove it no? The deal came with a free trial period too. Remember the princess was a maiden and prudent as she was, she tried it out beforehand to ensure it worked, otherwise what was the point of it all?
Now all of this leads to a pantheon of sons who upheld the Dharma, fairness, law and morality and the loyal one too who was cast away. Yet they were unable to save her from mob-like public humiliation and stripping and she had to “think” about the ultimate saviour to come to her rescue.
Would we still be sitting tolerantly if these celestially begot heroes who exist in the most ardent of mythical epics were six daughters instead? Karn as Karuna and Arjun as Aruna doesn’t quite have the same valorous ring to it. And Bhim would have just been fat-shamed with an eating disorder! Not very different from current times, eh?
And therein lies the tail, oops, tale and the connection the poor judge has been trying to explain and we duffers just don’t get it! Women should know their place and their job as reproductive vessels even if it is through a reluctant tear.
They have to be grateful for what they get. Despite being the recipient of the tears, the peahen is not good enough to be the national bird. It will always be the male who has the upper hand.
Being celibate, the peacock is already denying the most basic activity to the clueless peahen who never even agreed to this deal in the first place and who got into the relationship expecting love, hearth and happiness. Has anyone asked about her sacrifice?
Listen to the judge, his claims are not unreasonable… We only have tears written in our kismet!